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If you’re preparing to take your family on a road trip, as you’re packing, you’re probably thinking about the kinds of clothes everyone needs to take, if you have enough food so that you won’t have to make a lot of fast food stops and if you have your GPS system in tow so that you can take the shortest route possible. But if you have children who are traveling along with you, there is one another... ❯❯❯
There’s nothing better than packing your bags and heading out the door for a long, well-deserved vacation. With summer heading towards its end, now is the time to get in those last minute travel plans before the busy fall season. But depending on where you are going and for how long, parking can become a real headache. If you have a garage you can probably leave your car at home and take a taxi... ❯❯❯
Traveling these days is pretty uncomfortable. Planes are cramped, dry and without most of the amenities that used to make it fun. Trains aren’t as reliable as they should be, and most of them are stripped of all but the most basic creature comforts. Buses break down as often as they maintain their schedule, and always seem to be hot and smelly regardless of the weather outside the windows. You... ❯❯❯
Just because you are of advanced age doesn’t mean you can’t still enjoy the summer. Fun in the sun isn’t just reserved for the young and carefree – older generations can still go on adventures that would give most young people a run for their money. Seniors might need a little extra preparation, but once all the details are taken care of, they are ready to go. However, it is important to know... ❯❯❯
Car journeys can be a stressful experience- for both you and your dog! However, they are often unavoidable, especially with the holiday season upon us. A long, hot car journey isn’t a lot of fun for anyone- especially for those with shaggy coats! Just like humans, some dogs travel much better than others but by following these simple tips you should be able to hit the road with confidence. ... ❯❯❯
These days it is easier than ever to travel like a celebrity on a very limited or shoestring budget. No longer do lavish accommodations and feasts fit for kings and queens have to be relegated to, well, kings and queens. With enough savvy, anyone with any income or socioeconomic background can travel with a first class attitude. Moreover, with enough resourcefulness you can travel anywhere and... ❯❯❯
Traveling abroad is more stressful than any other type of travel, because there are a lot of logistics when traveling to and from different countries. For instance, you need special documentation to visit some countries, but not in others – so it is important to know what you need before you cross a certain border. Moreover, it might takes upwards of four different flights to reach your destinatio... ❯❯❯
There are few things quite as exciting as a vacation in a foreign country. If you’ve never been there before and the trek has long held a place on your bucket list, you’ve probably spent months or even years visualizing the day when you’ll first step off the plane for your dream vacation. But as much as you might have prepared, with immunizations, currency conversions and reading up in all the... ❯❯❯
There’s nothing like taking some time off from the stresses of jobs, budgeting and all of your other responsibilities to head off for a nice, relaxing vacation. But if your significant other is pregnant, things get a bit more complicated. There’s certainly no reason to keep yourself housebound in this situation, as long as the health concerns are all covered. But traveling while pregnant does... ❯❯❯
Saving money for a car rental is not a simple thing especially in the modern days when many people in Singapore are faced with hard financial times. It is, therefore important to develop strategies to ensure that you do not miss that desired vacation because of lack of enough money to rent a car. Below are some of the tips and tricks you can use to get the best deal when you rent an exclusive... ❯❯❯